
来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saddd11
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  You are the April of this world. Your laughter has lit up all the wind, so gently mingling with the spring. You are the clouds in early spring;the dusk wind blows up and down. And the stars blink now and then;fine rain drops down amid the flowers.” three beautiful lines, aren’t they?And Lin Huiyin’s trilogy love story is as beautiful as the verses.
  “He just fell in love with the image he developed in his poetry, not the real me. But I was quite fascinated at that time.” Lin said comfortably when looking back on her puberty. And the dramatic story mentioned above happened during her study in St Mary’s College in London. As Lin was born in a wealth family, she received the best education a woman could obtain at that time. In college, she and Xu were soon touched by each other’s rich talent deeply. They met and worked together frequently. She became the inspiration of him and he acted as a guide for her to the literary world. Gradually the admiration subtly changed into passionate even sort of blind love. Fortunately, after disciplined by her father and her own reflection, she treated the love calmly and rationally. Though Tagore, her favorite poet, made a match, she finally didn’t choose Xu. “The blue of the sky falls in love with the green of the lawn. The wheeze between them sighs mopishly.”sighed Tagore poetically.
  “We were doomed to be a pair of couple considering our backgrounds, our parents’ relationship, our interests and characters. It was one of my wisest choices.” Lin summarized her marriage like that. Since Lin’s father and Liang’s father were both ministers in the government and good friends, everyone took Lin and Liang’s marriage for granted in the old Chinese days. Luckily, Liang and Lin took a shine to each other. One thing interesting was that Lin said to Liang she would marry him only if he went further education on architecture. As a result, China had one more famous architect. Even though their marriage jeopardized later, it turned out to be a happy one and were relished by ordinary Chinese.
  “He would always be my older brother and there would always remain a place in my heart for him.” As Lin was saying, a relieved smile appeared on her still attractive face. Maybe in all her life, Jin was the one who loved Lin deeply into soul and never changed. Because of the true love, Jin persuaded her to give up her emotion for him and insist the marriage with Liang;because of the deep love, Jin reconciled to be a lifelong bachelor;because of the unforgettable love, Jin could remembered the birthday of Lin after she had died many years. No wonder once Lin cried to Liang to confess her love for Jin;no wonder Liang respected Jin even though they were rivals before;no wonder the couple and Jin finally became close friends and lived together for a long time.
  Lin was gorgeous and popular not only because of her attractive appearance but also her literary complements, architect achievements and her life motto. She famous works include “you are the April of the world”;“I would be a fallen leaf” and so on. She was a noted Chinese architect in 20th century and she was said to be the first female architect in China. She even joined in designing national emblem. And she dealt with her love entanglements successfully. So perfect a woman, she decorated many people’s dreams. She is absolutely the brightest April in the world.
【摘要】当今时代发展日新月异,互联网和新媒体的普及和应用改变了以往获取知识的方式,使信息传播更加快速和碎片化;全球一体化的进程加快,使得国家间的交往日益密切。种种的新变化迫切要求教师这一行业,尤其是英语专业教师对自身重新定位进行改变。  【关键词】新教学模式 英语专业教师 转变与定位  随着时代的改变,社会对于英语专业人才不断提出新的要求,不仅仅要求最基本听、说、读、写、译的掌握,更要求多方面知识
【摘要】不同国家语言之间的文化差异和冲突给大学英语教学带来了很大挑战,在当今全球化程度不断加深的背景下,学生跨文化交际能力的薄弱逐渐成为困扰大学英语教学的难点问题,为此,有必要对当前的教学模式和理念进行创新和改革,提升学生的英语综合能力。文章对大学英语课程中的跨文化交际能力培养进行了研究。  【关键词】大学英语 跨文化交际能力 国际交流  前言  在经济全球化的时代背景下,各国之间的沟通和交流日益
【摘要】在文化传播之中,语言属于重要载体的一种,对于文化实现绿色发展以及传承等具有推进作用,可以说语言进行传承脱离不了文化,它们具有重要的关联。尤其是将文化渗入至高中阶段的英语教学,可以便于学生对英语单词进行更好的理解,对词语进行合理、规范搭配,同时也对其背景进行正面分析,也便于记忆相关知识点,它更是新课标的新内容、新要求,在英语学习计划中具有强大教学价值。  【关键词】高中 英语教学 文化渗透 
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【摘要】英语专业实用型人才培养模式不同于传统的人才培养模式,根本的区别在于,英语专业实用型人才培养模式强调以市场为导向,强调对英语专业人才综合能力的培养,同时兼顾个体化差异,与其个人的职业规划相匹配,使其能够按照个人的职业发展目标找到与个人能力和知识结构相匹配的工作岗位,成为熟练运用英语从事翻译、金融、法律、管理和商贸等工作的实用型复合人才。  【关键词】英语专业 培养模式 研究  一、英语专业构
【摘要】在当前小学英语教学改革中,微信作为新的沟通工具,已经在小学英语教学中广泛的使用,对于小学英语教学改革有着积极的推动作用。在小学英语教学之中应用微信,其具有教学实时性、推广便捷性、内容丰富性等诸多特点,所以,小学英语教学之中微信的应用势在必行。  【关键词】小学英语 微信 教学  现代社会,科技发展导致微信这一交流工具出现在我们视野之内,微信的发展,不但可以在生活交流之中运用,同时也可以运用
【摘要】以泛读为主的英语阅读课程在高校英语专业语言教学中一直陷于教师教授效果不明显,学生学习不重视的尴尬局面中。而作為英语专业教学中的重要组成部分,其教学开展的成功与否很大程度上影响着英语专业学生综合运用英语的能力,因此,将交际教学法较好的运用到英语阅读课程教学中对目前的教学改革和课堂转型非常必要和有益。  【关键词】英语阅读 英语专业 交际教学法  一、引言  在高校本科英语专业教学中,以泛读为
【摘要】随着科技和文化的发展,跨文化意识的培养在英语教学中日益重要,这也是时代发展的必然召唤。在日常教学中通过多种有效途径和手段,加强跨文化意识的培养和渗透,对教师是挑战也是发展必然。  【关键词】跨文化意识 渗透和培养 课堂教学 有效途径  根据《英语课程标准》的课程目标结构图,能很清楚看出以语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等五个方面共同构成了英语课程总目标。课程标准中提出:在外