Analysis of Tess’s Tragedy

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Thomas Hardy is a famous critical realistic writer at the turn of the 19th century. Tess of the D’Urbervilles which was published in 1891 is the most influential masterpiece of all his works. In this novel, Hardy demonstrates his deep sense of moral sympathy for England’s lower class, particularly for rural woman. Under Hardy’s pen, the heroine Tess is created as a beautiful, innocent and pure woman, who has the quality of endurance and self-sacrifice. Tess has long been regarded as the most exceptional woman character in English literary history. However, the life of this pure woman is tragic. First, she is seduced, then abandoned and finally driven to murder for which she is hanged. Tess’s tragedy is not accidental. Living in a society overwhelmed by capitalist law, hypocritical morality and ethics ad social evil forces, Tess, a poor peasant girl, inevitably leads a tragic life and finally goes to her collapse. In addition,two persons who are very closely related to Tess’s fate, Alec and Angel, directly and indirectly affect her.Moreover, the weakness in Tess’s character is also responsible for her tragic ending. Tess fights against the society helplessly. In the end, she turns out to be the sacrificial victim of the society like all other things which disobey the morality and ethics. Thus, in this paper, the author tries to analyze the various causes of Tess’s tragedy. Thomas Hardy is a famous critical found writer at the turn of the 19th century. Tess of the D’Urbervilles which was published in 1891 is the most influential masterpiece of all his works. In this novel, Hardy demonstrates his deep sense of moral sympathy for Under Hardy’s pen, the heroine Tess is created as a beautiful, innocent and pure woman, who has the quality of endurance and self-sacrifice. Tess has long been sought as the most exceptional woman character in However, the life of this pure woman is tragic. First, she is seduced, then abandoned and finally driven to murder for which she is hanged. Tess’s tragedy is not accidental. Living in a society overwhelmed by capitalist law, hypocritical morality and ethics ad social evil forces, Tess, a poor peasant girl, inevitably leads a tragic life and finally goes to her collapse. In addition, two persons who are very closely related to Tess’s fate, Alec and the Angel, directly and indirectly affect her.Moreover, the weakness in Tess’s character is also responsible for her tragic ending. Tess fights against the society helplessly. In the end, she turns out to be the sacrificial victim of the society like all other things Thus, in this paper, the author tries to analyze the various causes of Tess’s tragedy.
【摘 要】 我国推行素质教育的核心之——就是要培养学生的创造力,要培养创造力首先就是要培养学生的思维能力,有效地利用多种途径和方法来启发学生的思维,促进学生智慧的真正发展。传统教学重知识传授,轻能力培养,课堂教学一直沿用“灌输式”,重复着一个不变的过程——“教师讲,学生听”。创新素质教育就是针对传统教育而提出的。创新教育以学生为本,以培养学生的创新能力为目的。课堂教学活动的所有形式都与形式的智力发
成都市青羊区近年来在优化考试和评价方式、改革教育质量监测办法等方面,做了广泛的调研和实践研究,开始了从“考试”到“学业质量评价”的新研究、新探索。  2012年11月,青羊区全区3-5年级的学生,参加了由青羊区教科院出题,借助ACTS学业素质评价技术的学业测验后,教师们看到的不再是过去的《班级成绩统计表》,而是《ACTS学生学业素质能力评价报告》《ACTS学业素质能力班级成绩报告》《ACTS学业素
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