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Based on the cross-layer design, the power-optimization problem of Macro-Femto Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) has been formulated. The constraints of power and resource block allocation in the physical layer, delay and target data rate in the medium access control layer, urgent queue length in the network layer, and packet error rate in the transport layer, have been considered. The original problem is non-deterministic polynomial time hard, which cannot be solved practically. After the restrictions of upper layers are translated into constraints with physical layer parameters, and the integer restrictions are relaxed, the original problem can be decomposed into convex optimization subproblems. The optimal solutions of resource block allocation and power allocation can be obtained by using the Lagrangian optimization. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme is better than both the round robin algorithm and the max-min one in terms of energy efficiency, throughput and service fairness. The round robin algorithm and the max-min one only focus on the user fairness rather than quality of service fairness. Compared to the round robin scheme (the max-min one), the proposed scheme improves the energy efficiency 58.85% (62.41%), the throughput 19.09% (25.25%), the service fairness 57.69% (35.48%). Based on the cross-layer design, the power-optimization problem of Macro-Femto Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) has been formulated. The constraints of power and resource block allocation in the physical layer, delay and target data rate in the medium access control layer , urgent queue length in the network layer, and packet error rate in the transport layer, have been considered. The original problem is non-deterministic polynomial time hard, which can not be solved practically. After the restrictions of upper layers are translated into constraints with physical layer parameters, and the integer restrictions are relaxed, the original problem can be decomposed into convex optimization subproblems. The optimal solutions of resource block allocation and power allocation can be obtained by using the Lagrangian optimization. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme is better than both the round robin algorithm and the max-min one in terms of energy efficiency, throughput and service fairness. The round robin algorithm and the max-min one only focus on the user fairness rather than quality of service fairness. Compared to the round robin scheme (the max-min one), the proposed scheme improves the energy efficiency 58.85% (62.41 %), the throughput 19.09% (25.25%), the service fairness 57.69% (35.48%).
【摘要】错误是学生学习过程中的相伴产物,是一种具有特殊教育作用的学习资源,是一种宝贵的教学资源。笔者在教学过程中,对学生的错误宽容对待,并且引导学生主动研究错误,从错误中吸取教训,让错误为成功铺路,有效地提高了教学的效率,促进了学生的全面发展。同时,让错误“美丽”起来,让课堂演绎精彩。  【关键词】课堂教学 课堂意外 精彩课堂  课堂教学不应当是一个封闭系统,也不应拘泥于预先设定的固定不变的程式。
【摘要】现代教育的特征充分展现人的主体性,追求人的全面发展。探究式教学又是一种新的教学活动形式,符合教学改革实际,能破除“自我中心”,促使教师在探索中“自我发展”。叶圣陶先生曾说过:“教是为了用不着教。”这句话既道出了教学的目的,又道出了学生掌握方法后能自主获取知识,去寻求发展。因此在小学数学课堂教学中应以学生全面、主动、和谐地发展为中心。  【关键词】小学课堂 教学方法 探究 自主  一位优秀的
【摘要】学校进行的“你最喜欢的学科”的调查中,作为基础学科的语文赧然排在末位。但语文课堂教学的枯燥、缺乏灵性即语文教师的教学缺乏个性无疑是我们不能也不得不承认的一个现实。提高课堂的趣味性,对于小学教师来说尤其重要。  【关键词】小学教学 趣味性 童话 兴趣 幽默  传统的语文教学离不开课堂,教师离不开讲台,学生则被禁锢于教室,整天被困于枯燥的听讲、无尽的题海之中。如此的教学很难激发学生的学习兴趣、