
来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:plutuscty
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每年高考文言文的最后一道题都是文意理解(概括文章内容)题,这道题设置四个选项,四个选项的内容按行文顺序表述,也都采用选出错误的一项的形式。编者往往在错误的一项中设置陷阱,“引诱”考生上当,怎样才能提高解答这类题的准确率呢?首选要读懂文章的大致意思,理清时间、地点、人物、事件,还要注意时间的变化、地点的转移、人物之间的关系、事件的前因后果,然后将每一项的表述与原文对照,看有无对应之处。其次还要注意一些技巧,我们可以从以下几个方面识别命题人设置的陷阱。 The final topic of the annual college entrance examination classical text is the topic of comprehension (summarizing the content of the article). This question sets four options. The contents of the four options are described in the form of written words, and the form of the wrong one is used. The editors often set traps in the wrong one, “seduce” the candidates to be fooled, how can we improve the accuracy of answering such questions? We must first read the general meaning of the articles, and clarify the time, place, people, and events. Pay attention to the change of time, the transfer of places, the relationship between people, the cause and effect of the event, and then compare the expression of each item with the original to see if there is any correspondence. Secondly, we must also pay attention to some techniques. We can identify the pitfalls of propositions from the following aspects.
This paper conducts a study of the“mind style”in the American writer Edgar Allan Poe’s short story The Cask of Amontillado on lexical and syntactic levels,wi
该文阐述了司徒街小学的文化建设理念,以及通过狠抓行为规范,学习以及课外活动,将学校打造成师生的乐园。 This article expounds the concept of cultural construction of