
来源 :中学政治教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuliea
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一堂出色的政治课离不开精当的板书。为此,政治课板书必须做到“五要”。 一、要有助于师生双边活动的积极开展 政治课怎样才能上得生机勃勃、富有魅力呢?课堂上师生双边活动必不可少。实践证明,板书乃师生开展双边活动的重要桥梁。教学中,或让学生发表意见由教师板书,或启发思考让学生板书,或采用“设疑式”板书诱学导思,都有利于教师主导作用和学生主体作用的发挥,使“教”与“学”产生和谐的共鸣。在复习“民族”一节时,我设计了下列板书:1.民族是怎样产生的?2.民族的含义是什么?3.民族有何特征?4.民族与氏族、部落有何异同?按此板书,师生之间一问一答,一唱一合,双边活动高潮迭起。这既活跃了课堂气氛,又对学生温 An outstanding political lesson can not be separated from a well-written book. For this reason, the political lesson board must be “five.” First, it is necessary to help the active development of the bilateral activities of teachers and students How can the political lesson be vibrant and full of charm? The bilateral activities of teachers and students in the classroom are indispensable. Practice has proved that board writing is an important bridge for teachers and students to carry out bilateral activities. Teaching, or allowing students to express their opinions by teacher’s board writing, or inspiring thinking to allow students to write books, or using “problem-style” books to induce learning and guidance, are conducive to the leading role of teachers and the role of student body, so that “teaching” and “Study” produces a harmonious resonance. In reviewing the section on “ethnicity”, I designed the following books: 1. How did the nation come about? 2. What did the nation mean? 3. What are the characteristics of the nation? 4. What are the similarities and differences between the nation and the clan and tribe? On this board, teachers and students asked one question and one answer, one song and one concert, and bilateral events climaxed. This is not only an active classroom atmosphere, but also a warm atmosphere for students.
在教学中,将各组练习的内容,练习动作,目的与任务,练习的时间与次数及练习的要求等抄写在教学卡片上,在分组教学时将卡片发给各组组长,由组长参照教学卡片上 In the teachi
中学语文教学要发展学生口头和书面表达能力,就必须重视语感训练。 那么,怎样抓语感训练呢? 一、抓阅读背诵,加强视读训练 阅读应重视精读,把功夫用在仔细吟味和熟读成诵上
它山之石,可以攻玉。 桃李不言,下自成蹊。 工欲善其事,必先利其器。 己所不欲,勿施于人。 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。 成事不足,败事有余。 棋逢对手,将遇良才。
全日制中学化学教学大纲指出:“通过中学化学教学要求学生熟练地掌握重要的常用元素符号、分子式、化学方程式等化学用语”。 从1993年中考成绩看,学生对化学反应方程式没有
1953~1990年,我国国民生产总值年均增长7%,是世界上少数几个经济增长最快的国家之一。同期,经济增长较快的国家有日本(6.9%)、新加坡(8.4%)、韩国为(8.1%)、泰国(6.9%)。 From 19
1三大发展方向推动半导体技术进步从20世纪70年代起,通过追寻摩尔定律(Moore’s law),半导体行业的发展一直处于良性循环:业界通过缩小晶体管尺寸,提高产品性价比,为半导体市