时下,在报刊征订工作中,一些领导特别是基层领导,一想到节支,首先就在压缩报刊订阅上打主意。 究其原因,说是经费紧缺。诚然,各级人武部门经费困难。但试想一份报刊一年也不过是几十元,最多上百元。如果人武部门一年内少几次接待应酬,少抽几包高级烟,少喝几瓶好酒,订报刊的费用不就解决了吗?!有人说报刊可有可无不起作用,这种思想是极其错误的。国防报刊是我们民兵、预备役人员的精神食粮,是很好的国防教材,就拿《中国民兵》杂志来说,她是我
Nowadays, during the subscription of newspapers and periodicals, some leaders, especially the grassroots leaders, first think about saving, and at first press on the press subscription. The reason is that there is a shortage of funds. True, people’s armed forces departments at all levels have difficulty in funding. But imagine a newspaper is nothing but a few hundred dollars a year, up to a hundred dollars. If the armed forces received a few times a year less than entertainment, smoking a few packs of less senior smoke, drink a few bottles of good wine, not to set the cost of the newspaper to solve it? Some people say that the press can have any effect, this idea It is extremely wrong. National Defense Newspaper is the spiritual food for our militiamen and reserve personnel. It is a very good example of national defense materials. Take China Militia magazine for example. She is my