【摘 要】
While the whole world has been severely affected by the financial crisis that originated in the U.S.,the governments of many western countries have injected eno
【出 处】
China\'s Foreign Trade
While the whole world has been severely affected by the financial crisis that originated in the U.S.,the governments of many western countries have injected enormous amounts of cash into their banking sectors in order to maintain financial stability.There is no denying that the U.S.economy has slipped into a recession.Meanwhile,ac-
While the whole world has been severely affected by the financial crisis that originated in the US, the government of many western countries have injected substantial amounts of cash into their banking sectors in order to maintain financial stability. There is no denying that the US economy have slipped into a recession. While while ac-
Production Sales Manufacturer Accumulated Share, % Accumulated Share, % First Auto Work 688,164 16.38 723,975 17.50 Dengfeng Auto Corp. 540,043 12.85 533,512 12
摘 要:商务英语专业作为高等教育的一个重要组成部分,在培养应用型外贸人才方面起着重要作用。当前,商务英语专业在发展过程中面临诸多问题,迫切需要进行改革。 关键词:实践;教学方法;考核 一、商务英语教学改革的背景 中国加入WTO后,对外开放的程度日益扩大,中国对外贸易额也呈逐年增长的态势,中国正日益成为世界经济的核心。对外交流离不开语言,英语作为一种世界通用语言,其地位和功能将越来越重要。为了
摘 要:本文以笔者在田野调查中获得的第一手材料为依据,显示乌鲁木齐市维吾尔族口语中的混浊现象,分析了自然语言接触(直接接触)对新疆维吾尔族居民的生活语言产生的影响。 关键词:语言接触;语言混浊;维吾尔语;汉语;口语 一、引言 语言接触是在人类语言产生、发展的进程中带有普遍性的一种社会现象,是指不同语言由于在使用过程中的相互接触而发生的结构和功能特征等的变化。这种现象的产生、发展不仅与语言本身
Confucius said: “I have ten and five in the school of le
In units Production Sales Manufacturer Sep. Accumulated Cha%ng e, Sep. Accumulated Cha%ng e, FAW Group Corp. 84,310 688,164 -2.45 84,828 723,975 -4.61 Shanghai
一旦非典纳入了《传染病防治法》,国务院卫生行政部门就负有“及时地如实通报和公布疫情”的法律职责。 尽管对于“及时”、“如实”并无确切的规定,但是简单对比中国内地和
On October 16, Chen Yunl