Improvement of luminescent stability from carbon nanotube field emission display based on printed CN

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxl_0598
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Aiming at the influences of poor contact at carbon nanotube (CNT)/electrode interface on luminescence stability in printed CNT film, a new co-sintering process for cathode fabrication was presented to improve the luminescent stability of fully printed CNT-FED. By co-sintering the printed silver and CNT layers, CNTs geometrically matched with Ag surface and/or embedded into Ag layer at the bottom of the co-sintered film, large CNTs block and bulk silver nested each other at the top of the co-sintered film. All these structures increased the contact area at CNT/Ag interface, which could increase the probability of forming ohmic contact at CNT/Ag interface. The luminescent stability of printed CNT-FED with co-sintered cathode could be improved as 5.6 times high as that of common devices. Aiming at the influences of poor contact at carbon nanotube (CNT) / electrode interface on luminescence stability in printed CNT film, a new co-sintering process for cathode fabrication was presented to improve the luminescent stability of fully printed CNT-FED. By co- sintered the printed silver and CNT layers, CNTs geometrically matched with Ag surface and / or embedded into Ag layer at the bottom of the co-sintered film, large CNTs block and bulk silver nested each other at the top of the co-sintered film. All these structures increased the contact area at CNT / Ag interface, which could increase the probability of forming ohmic contact at CNT / Ag interface. The luminescent stability of printed CNT-FED with co-sintered cathode could be improved as 5.6 times high as that of common devices.
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