福建省武夷山市有个枫坡村,村里有个人绰号叫“老降”。此人颇有经济头脑,农忙时下地干活,农闲时走街串巷收购废物。一日,他收到了一辆废弃的本田125型摩托车,还有一些“手续”。“老降”心中暗喜,将这辆废车认真清洗了一番放在家里,想瞅机会卖个好价钱。 同村有个青年叫徐护华,在浙江省温州市打了几年工刚回到村里。他在外边没挣下多少钱,却迷
There is a Maple village in Wuyishan City, Fujian Province, and the village has a personal nickname “Lao Jiang.” This person quite economical mind, working busy nowadays, slack streets when the acquisition of waste. One day, he received an abandoned Honda 125 motorcycle, there are some “formalities.” “Down” heart of the hi, this car was carefully cleaned some scrapped at home, would like to take the opportunity to sell a good price. In the same village, there was a young man called Xu Huahua, who returned to the village for a few years in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province. He did not earn much money outside, but fans