目前国内市场上优质鲻鱼货源较少,价格较贵,天然捕捞未能满足需求,有条件的养殖户可考虑开发人工养殖。 鲻鱼肉质丰厚,味道鲜美,营养丰富,鱼肉含蛋白质22%,食之香醇不腻,除百姓喜食外。更可供宾馆酒楼作海鲜佳肴,还可加工成鱼糜、鱼丸、鱼片、鱼罐头等保健食品。鲻鱼子还有药用价值,对医治脾虚、消化不良、小儿疳积及贫血等都有一定疗效。
At present, there are fewer sources of high-quality anchovy on the domestic market, the prices are relatively expensive, and natural fishing fails to meet the demand. Conditional farmers may consider developing artificial breeding. Catfish rich in meat quality, delicious, nutritious, fish protein 22%, the food is not greasy, in addition to people eating outside. More for hotel restaurants for seafood cuisine, but also processed into surimi, fish balls, fish fillets, canned fish and other health food products. There are medicinal value of mullet roe, have a certain effect on the treatment of spleen deficiency, dyspepsia, pediatric products and anemia.