参赛说明: 1.本赛题内容70%来源于2008年全年《新语文学习》杂志,30%为语文基础题。2.答案可另用纸答写,请写清题号。3.写话题第2题用方格稿纸誊写,也可打印。4.请在答卷上写清答题者的详细地址、邮编、学校、班级、联系电话、指导老师等信息。5.答案请寄往:南京市湖南路47号10楼新语文学习杂志社,邮政编码:210009。信封上请注明“低年级阅读竞赛”字样。6.答卷寄回截止日期:2009年3月31日,获奖名单(学生奖、指导老师奖、优秀组织单位奖)将于2009年7、8月在本刊公布。本刊将给获奖者和获奖单位颁发荣誉证书。
Entry Instructions: 1. 70% of the content of the Contest comes from the whole year of 2008 “New Language Study” magazine, 30% is the basic topic of Chinese. 2. The answer can be another paper to write, please write the problem number. 3 write the topic of the second question with a grid draft manuscript, can also be printed. 4. Please write down the respondent’s detailed address, zip code, school, class, contact telephone number, instructor and other information. 5. Please send your answer to: New Language Learning Magazine, 10 / F, No.47 Hunan Road, Nanjing, China Postal code: 210009 Please indicate on the envelope “lower grade reading contest ” words. 6. Reply deadline: March 31, 2009, the list of winners (Student Award, Teacher Award, Outstanding Organizational Unit Award) will be released in July and August 2009 in this issue. This issue will be awarded to winners and award-winning unit.