武汉市现有学龄前儿童68万余人。为有效地保障这些儿童的健康,近几年来,我们开展了全方位的儿童保健工作管理,取得了较好效益。一、儿童保健工作网络的管理 1.集居儿童保健工作网络的管理我市目前有托幼机构1298所,在市教委、市卫生局和市妇联的领导下,以市儿童保健所为中心,建立健全了集居儿童保健网络(托幼机构保健室和保健医生的配备率达98.3%),并将我市托幼机构纳入了分级分类管理模式。同时,通过健全儿童健康档案、完善保健制度、加强膳食管理和多发病管理、开展体格锻炼等,使我市集体儿童佝偻病和贫血患病率分别从1980年的30%和58%下降至1989年的8.1%和29%,
There are more than 680,000 preschool children in Wuhan. In order to effectively protect the health of these children, we have carried out all-round management of children’s health care in recent years and achieved better results. I. Management of Children’s Health Care Work Network 1. Management of Settlement Children’s Health Work Network There are currently 1,298 child care institutions in the city. Under the leadership of the Municipal Education Commission, the Municipal Health Bureau and the Municipal Women’s Federation, the city’s child care centers are established as the center. We have also improved the health care network of the Jiji Children’s Health Center (98.3% in the nurseries’ health care centers and health care practitioners), and incorporated the kindergartens in our city into a hierarchical management model. At the same time, through the improvement of children’s health records, improvement of health care systems, strengthening of dietary management and management of multiple diseases, and physical training, the prevalence of rickets and anaemia among collective children in our city dropped from 30% and 58% in 1980 to 1989 respectively. 8.1% and 29%,