Joan of Arc played an important role as a real figure in the late Middle Ages in the formation of the French state and played a sustained and positive impact on the course of history. However, after Joan of Arc was captured in 1431, he was sentenced to heresy and witches by the inquisition, and was put on fire. Although Joan of thence reopened the case in 1452, Joan of Arc was rehabilitated in 1456. The Pope gave his best wishes in 1905, However, before the 19th century, no one from the official to the intelligentsia and the people truly realized the contribution of Joan of Arc. Instead, it was more negative. Many people’s knowledge of Joan of Arc was related to witches and obscenities such as Shakespeare’s drama Henry VI world ”, Voltaire’s epic 1721“ Orleans girl. ” By the 19th century, the images of Joan of Arc were everywhere in France and became a symbol of national freedom and independence. This has an important role in the concept. The medieval historian RB Brown said: "Europe