Gully is the result of a variety of external forces, showing a variety of landscape phenomenon. Based on DOM and DEM data, we selected the North Yizikou small watershed in the Jiaodong Peninsula as the data source, selected land use, topography humidity index, slope slope length factor, hydrodynamic index, aspect, Plane curvature and surface roughness of seven geomorphic factors, the calculation of soil erosion sensitivity of small watershed erosion erosion gully and the relationship between the geomorphological factors. The results show that the gully mostly occurs in grassland areas with large slope length, strong water flow and low surface humidity, and mostly distributed in the concave surface of the sunny slope. Most of the gullys are distributed in areas with moderate sensitivity to soil erosion and above, Accounting for 96.4% of the total gully. In the medium sensitivity of soil erosion and above, the response accuracy of experimental weight value to the gully distribution in the verification area was 87.9%, which was slightly different from the actual value of 93.3% and higher in accuracy. The results can provide scientific evidence for the evaluation of gully erosion in the area.