Drawing line segment strategy strategy is the most basic of many problem-solving strategies, but also a very important strategy. Through the drawing, the problem of plain text becomes straightforward and intuitive. By eliminating the non-essential attributes and grasping the essential relationship between the numbers, we can make students understand the questions, search and solve the problems Breakthrough, the formation of a solution to the problem of thinking, to become a student to answer more complex issues, “winning magic.” First, the clever use of line segments to help students understand the primary school math problem solving, is in the image of the main thinking, the transition to abstract thinking stage. Many mathematical problems are mostly presented in the form of texts. The language of plain-text questions is relatively brief but dull, which often causes them to fail to understand the topic. More students do not want to read the title, lazy reading questions. If the teacher can make the students apply a slip of paper on their own, draw a picture, draw on the line drawing