In the fourth chapter of the current six-year high school mathematics textbook “Algebra” in the second volume of the book, when we talk about the solution of the ternary system of linear equations, we only say one word for the case of the solution of the determinant D = 0: “The equations or No solution or infinite solution (proof is omitted).” (See the fifth last line of the above textbook P.146). When I was teaching this part of the content, students always loved to ask: “Under what circumstances there is no solution? Under what circumstances there are infinitely many solutions? How does this infinite solution be expressed?” to satisfy the students’ desire for knowledge while cultivating students to analyze problems and To solve the problem, I use the following method to solve the problem. It takes less time and works better. The following is introduced for readers’ reference. We address the issue against section 4.5 of the above textbook P.143. In order to save space, many symbols are borrowed from the textbooks mentioned above and will not be repeated here. For example, the determinant of the coefficient is denoted by D, C_3 represents the algebraic cofactor of the element c_3 in D, and so on. When D=0, the solution of the ternary system of linear equations can be divided