心力储备(CardiacReserve)指心输出量能随机体代谢需要而增长的能力。它在很大程度上影响着运动员的运动能力,是决定最大摄氧量的主要因素之一[1]。心力储备与正常人及心脏病患者的生存几率(Survival)和预期死亡率(Mortali ty)有很大的相关性[2]。一般认为,心功储备包括心率储
Cardiac Reserve (CardiacReserve) refers to the cardiac output with the metabolism of the body’s ability to grow. It largely affects athletes’ ability to exercise and is one of the main factors determining the maximal oxygen uptake [1]. There is a strong correlation between the heart rate reserve and Survival and Mortal ty ty in normal subjects and heart patients [2]. It is generally believed that heart function reserve includes heart rate reserve