An Analysis of the Popularity of China English in China

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  【Abstract】The formation of China English conforms to the law of social language development. The abundant presentation of China English and its special Chinese characteristic attract many scholars and experts. Facing with the huge amount of English learners, China English plays an important role in spreading the two different cultures. Globalization is unstoppable.
  【Key words】China English; popularity; globalization
  【作者简介】耿娟娟(1982- ),女,咸阳师范学院外国语学院,硕士,讲师,研究方向:语言学与外语教师教育。
  The wide spread of English has made English itself become an international language. With regard to the popularity of English, China English has become a new linguistic phenomenon in China.
  1. Definition of China English
  In general, China English is the multiform English combined with the social and cultural background in China. Till now, Multiform English is appearing because the Chinese English learners who are completely influenced by Chinese social and cultural environments when they use English to express themselves. Obviously, China English is widely affected by the special thinking modes and the habits of Chinese in many ways.
  2. Reasons of Popularity of China English
  2.1 The Social Linguistic Development
  The appearing of China English is conforming to the social development of linguistics. At present, China English is getting a great mass favor by both Chinese and foreigners because of the increasing powerful China, the frequently cultural communicating and the wide spread of broadcast media. Chinese, which has been absorbed in English in a huge amount, has a great effect on international English than English speaking countries. The Global Language Monitor speaks highly of China English in an enthusiastic way. The chairman of The Global Language Monitor ever said that since 1994, China English makes contribution to the English vocabulary has reached 5% to 20% and it has been the largest source of English new words. The development of language can not be separated from the development of both society and culture.
  2.2 The Different Cultural Communication
  As a kind of language, English has some limitations. In order to cover up the shortage and enrich cultural connotation, English, in the processing of development, is instantly borrowing the language vocabulary from other countries. Among them, some words are coming from Chinese, such as “tofu”(豆腐), “Kongfu”(功夫), “Yin Yang”(陰
  阳). They are not only used to fill the gap in the culture area but also to avoid awkward situations that an English speaking country cannot covey the proper meaning of Chinese words.   With the increase of China international position, China’s centuries-old history culture has abstracted more and more foreigners to study Chinese. Chinese boom has been widely spread all over the world. Till now, Chinese, as the additional course, has been added by many countries. Chinese-teaching shows the vigorous development trend around the world.
  2.3 The Great Interest of Both Foreigners and Experts
  Both foreigners and experts draw great attention to China English. More foreigners hold that China English has a unique lingering charm and it flavors in English language. The Germans Oliver Rick spends a lot of time in collecting the China English. And during the time, he studies a lot about it. After ten years’ studying, he published two books about China English and then he still devotes to study it. He supposed that China English should be remained. What Rick claims is that Chinese people has realized China English actually enriches the English language, the concept of English should be single and standard is already out of style. Global Language Monitor thinks highly of the China English in global view and English language development.
  3. The Prospect of China English
  In the past, the cause of China English is the disability of translating. But now, the communication between China and western countries is increasingly frequent, especially the culture communication. China English, as a new kind of language expressing, is the product of the development of society, culture and economy. It refers to the specific things that English can not express properly. The impact of two different cultures must bring the language combination. China English, as the product of them, is acceptable in English speaking countries. It has been a tendency that can not be avoided. And China English will have a great future rather than fade away.
  [1]Kramsch.C.Language and Culture.Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2000.
【摘要】在英语教学活动中,板书是最基本的辅助手段,是课堂教学环节的一个重要组成部分,是一堂课教学内容的高度浓缩。它集中体现了教师的授课意图,留给学生的是一个直观、完整的印象。板书有着如此巨大的作用,但在平时的课堂教学过程中,却很难发挥它应有的作用。使得在实际教学中黑板的重要性常常被忽视,板书也似乎成了一堂课的附庸,可有可无,其实不然。  【关键词】板书设计;实际应用;简便;有效  【作者简介】陶莉
【摘要】随着教育改革进程的深入,高考也在不断改革。根据教育部高考改革方针,部分省市的英语试题笔试部分选择全国卷。而七选五作为高考英语新题型,就要求从短文后的七个选项中选出五个能填入文章空白的最佳选项。主要考察学生的上下文联系理解能力,考察其逻辑能力。该类题目对学生的英语能力要求较高。为此,在平时的学习中需要不断总结七选五题目的解题策略和方法,以轻松应对高考。  【关键词】高中英语;高考;七选五;解
【摘要】随着时代的发展,我国传统教学理念与教学方式已经不适用于当前社会对于教育教学的要求。新课改的实施,要求广大一线教师在教学的过程中,对自身的教学理念与教学方式进行创新与变革。在初中英语教学活动的开展中,阅读教学对于学生英语学科核心素质的培养十分重要,本文根据初中英语学科核心素养的要求对英语阅读课的教学方式进行研究分析。  【关键词】初中;英语阅读课;学科核心素养  【作者简介】吉佳,南京市第二
【摘要】情感教学是初中英语教学过程中不可或缺的教学方式,有利于培养学生的正确英语学习观念、提升学生的英语能力、激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。本文将探讨情感教育在初中英语教学中的重要意义,并以牛津译林版初中英语教材为案例,讨论其具体应用。  【关键词】情感教育;初中英语;课堂教学  【作者简介】王芳,张家港市护漕港中学。  随着新课标改革的不断深入,情感教育对初中英语教育过程的影响和意义正日益受到教育
【摘要】随着经济全球化发展进程的加快,英语在我国社会上的地位越来越高。如何提升英语教学效果成为当前英语教师致力研究的课题之一。在这样的背景下,很多新型教学方法被应用到英语课堂教学中,成为推动英语教学效果提高的重要推动力,合作学习教学法就是其中之一。在初中英语教学中合理运用合作教学法,不仅可以活跃课堂教学氛围,还能发挥学生主体能动性,促进学生学习效率的提升和课堂教学效益的优化。  【关键词】合作学习