在2003年10月亚信10周年庆典所营造 的“回到激情年代”的氛围渐渐淡去后,上任6个月的张醒生需要回到现实,拿出实实在在的业绩了。 从表现上看,张醒生大胆张扬、“不怕引人注目”的管理风格的确有别于前两任CEO。今年3月31日是他在亚信出场的第一天,当天一早,所有女员工都收到了这位新任CEO送来的一束康乃馨,男员工则收到了一盆绿色植物。同样是这—天,张醒生还把亚信的CEO论坛烧热了,包括外埠员工在内的亚信员工的火爆互动,超过了张醒生的想像。他希望能以这种沟通方式点燃亚信的员工,改良亚信的工程师文化,引导他们
After the “return to the era of passion” created by AsiaInfo's 10th anniversary celebration in October 2003 faded away, Zhang Xingsheng, who took office for six months, needed to return to reality and show real achievements. From the performance point of view, Zhang Xingsheng bold publicity, “not afraid of compelling,” the management style is different from the previous two CEO. March 31 this year, his first appearance at AsiaInfo, early in the morning, all female employees received a bunch of carnations sent by the new CEO, the male staff received a pot of green plants. The same is this - day, Zhang Xingsheng also CEO of AsiaInfo Forum hot, including employees of other employees, including AsiaInfo employees hot interaction, more than Zhang Xingsheng's imagination. He hopes to ignite the employees of AsiaInfo in this way of communication, improve the engineer culture of AsiaInfo and guide them