A Reflective Report on Teacher Enthusiasm

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  【Abstract】A 25-minute interview was conducted on a TESOL MA student, Sarah (Alias) to study teacher enthusiasm. This reflective report discusses the qualities of being an enthusiastic teacher, the differences between enthusiastic teachers and unenthusiastic ones and the desirable level of enthusiasm.
  【Key words】teacher enthusiasm; reflective report
  Having intrinsic interest for the subject area is one of the common qualities of an enthusiastic teacher. The passion for the subject can help teachers develop better pedagogy and enable students to study efficiently. Enthusiastic teachers always spend time studying new knowledge and revising and updating their teaching materials. During the class, they will create a positive environment and come up with more efficient ways to motivate students to study. When Sarah described the enthusiastic teacher in her high school, she mentioned that, “She always tried to design so many class activities for us, making the learning process not that boring”. Though she still had to do lots of homework due to the college entrance examination, she still had interesting class activities such as “self-learning” and “peer learning” which were different from the traditional ones. And later she added that, “For one thing, I think they do motivate students. They will have students feel more confident, more willing to learn the language, more willing to speaking, to communicate in the language, and feel less pressure, less anxiety on speaking with a target language”. In addition, it is likely that teacher enthusiasm will have great positive effects on students’ learning. Sarah said that she achieved good grades because of this enthusiastic teacher. Therefore, students can actually benefit from teachers’ better teaching methods and have satisfactory outcomes because of the teacher enthusiasm.
  Comparing the enthusiastic teachers and the unenthusiastic ones, being responsible to students may be the biggest difference from students’ perspective. Having adequate knowledge about the subject area is essential for becoming a knowledgeable teacher, but is less of the concern of students. As Sarah said, she knows an unenthusiastic teacher who “has lots of techniques of teaching”, but “not that responsible for students”. From her point of view, being “not responsible for students” means “ignore your work” and “not concerned about how you learn, what you learn and what you can get from the classes”. She even commented some unenthusiastic teachers as “just want to get the money, get paid”. This is probably the worst comment that a teacher wants to hear. Teachers’ lack of enthusiasm, to be specific, being irresponsible for students, may not only demotivate students but also leave a very negative impression of the teacher as a person. Thus, it is important for teachers to have reflection of their teaching and behaviors from time to time and adjust their pedagogy if necessary. More importantly, teachers need to choose a motivational strategy for them in order to stay enthusiastic.   It becomes clear that being enthusiastic is essential for being a good teacher. Then arises another question — to what extent should a teacher be enthusiastic? Sarah mentioned that some young teachers were too passionate to be organized during the teaching process. They tend to expand a lot on certain points. Students seem not to like those teachers. And she also experienced pressure from the enthusiastic teachers because “they will have expectation about students for being the same enthusiastic”. It can be a double-edged sword for students, either motivate students to work harder or stress them out. So it is advisable for new teachers to learn to show enthusiasm in a moderate level.
  To summarize, enthusiastic teachers are those who are interested in the subject they teach and willing to spend time experimenting and providing interesting classes for students. They care about students’ learning process and give quick and precise feedback. And students are likely to be motivated by teacher enthusiasm and therefore achieve better results. However, facing students from different background, teachers need to adjust their way of expressing enthusiasm in order to be accepted by students.
【摘要】从教学目标,教学方法,教师角色和教学材料四个方面分析比较了传统听说课程和“雅思听说”课程,体现了“雅思听说”课程的优势,注重培养学生的英语综合应用能力和自主学习能力。认为教师可以借鉴“雅思听说”教学的优势应用于其他教学,并思考如何采用更好地教学方法提升“雅思听说”教学的质量。  【关键词】“雅思听说”课程;传统听说课程;中外合作办学;教学方法  【作者简介】陈妍(1983-),女,汉族,辽
主题:核心素养、教师素养、语言实践能力。  教学是学生的中心环节。我们大家都知道教学是教师的“教”与学生的“学”的双边活动。教学工作搞得好不好,影响到教学质量的高低,关系到人才的培养。英语教学是否能简单地被理解为“教师教英语,学生学英语”呢?作为素质教育下的教学新观念应是:学生在学英语,但老师不是在教,而是在帮助学生学习。记得英语教育专家Chris Jacques说过:“When your stu
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【Abstract】Through literature review, this paper points out that domestic research on network buzzwords has yielded fruitful academic achievements.  【Key words】 literature review; network buzzwords  【作
【摘要】近年来随着全球化进程加快,我国经济的高速发展以及对外交流的进程加快,国内许多城市都已配备公示语的英语翻译,以方便外国友人辨识。然而,各个城市公示语英语翻译存在各种各样的问题,本文尝试分析公示语英语翻译的主要问题并提出相应的解决策略,为城市相关部门提供建议从而提升城市公示语翻译的质量。  【关键词】公示语翻译;翻译问题;翻译策略  【作者简介】曹娟(1990-),女,汉族,四川巴中人,西昌学
【摘要】强调学生见词发音和听音辩词能力,自然拼读法是教学的首选,可以帮助学生正确发音,培养英语字母发音的语感,也是自主学习的重要工具。同时将自然拼读法和音标教学融合起来,以前者为主而后者为辅。实践中以丰富多样的教学方式,通用规则的归纳与个别特殊发音的提示和强调相结合,以学生为中心且尊重学生的主体性,提高教师的自身发音水平,重视激励和赞赏。  【关键词】小学;英语;语音教学;自然拼读;音标  【作者
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