一、引言在瑞典西部,深层软粘土上的建筑物常采用摩擦桩基。这种摩擦桩性状的研究工作是由 Wen-del 和 Hultin 两氏在哥德堡港办公室工作时开始的,他们做了大量的桩的载荷试验,因而积累了丰富的实践经验。他们提出过计算单桩承载力的一个简单方法,即桩身面积乘以由落锤法确定的土的强度值。瑞典建筑法规(SBN75)建议用这个方法,所得的计算值又作下列规定:“对于砼桩或钢桩,承载能力应分别乘以0.8或0.5”和“对于抗拔桩,最大荷载以40kN 为限。”
I. INTRODUCTION Buildings on deep soft clay often use friction piles in western Sweden. The study of the characteristics of the friction pile began when Wen-del and Hultin worked at the Gothenburg harbor office. They did a large number of pile load tests and thus accumulated a wealth of practical experience. They proposed a simple method for calculating the bearing capacity of a single pile, that is, the area of the pile multiplied by the strength value of the soil determined by the drop hammer method. The Swedish Building Code (SBN75) proposes this method, and the resulting calculated values are specified as follows: “For rake piles or steel piles, the bearing capacity shall be respectively multiplied by 0.8 or 0.5” and “ for uplift piles, the maximum load Limit to 40kN.”