启发式教学能使学生理解、掌握、运用最基础的知识,培养学生探索、发现、创造的能力。小学数学课的启发式教学,可以采取以下七种主要形式: 观察启发——观察是启发的起点和基础,是认识事物,获得感知的重要手段。在教学中,可借助实物、模型、图示等具体事物,组织学生有目的、有顺序、全面的直接观察。如教学“乘数是分数的乘法”时,为了启发学生理解“1/4×2/3的意义和法则,可用一张长方形的白纸,先把它平均分成四份
Heuristic teaching enables students to understand, master, use the most basic knowledge, to develop the ability of students to explore, find, and create. Heuristics in elementary mathematics lessons can take the following seven main forms: Observation Inspiration - Observation is the starting point and foundation of inspiration, which is an important means of knowing things and gaining awareness. In teaching, with the help of concrete objects such as objects, models and illustrations, the students can be directly, purposefully, orderly and comprehensively observed. To teach students to understand the meaning and principle of “1/4 × 2/3”, you can use a rectangular white paper, which is divided equally into four