一天,一位中年男子带着四岁的儿子来看病,说:“这孩子近几天晚上要开灯睡,梦里哭,夜里醒来也突然惊哭。”孩子神色有点畏缩,依在爸爸怀里。医生问:“孩子最近受惊吓没有?”孩子父亲回忆片刻,似猛有省悟:“这孩子不好好吃饭,给爷爷奶奶娇惯坏了。上星期天晚上,我把他关在漆黑的房里,说狼要吃不好好吃饭的孩子,他拼命地哭喊了一阵……” 上面的病例,就是引起儿童惊恐症的典型病因,从精神心理卫生角度来看,这种教育儿童的方式是不
One day, a middle-aged man came to see a doctor with his four-year-old son and said: “This child has to turn on the lights and sleep in the last few days, crying in the dream, and suddenly awaking crying at night.” “ According to my father’s arms. The doctor asks: ”The child was shocked recently?“ ”The father of his child remembered for a moment that seemed to have a plight:“ The child did not eat well and spoiled his grandparents. Last Sunday night, I put him in a dark room , Said the wolf to eat not eat well children, he cried hard for a while ... ... ”The above case is caused by typical causes of childhood panic disorder, from a mental health perspective, this way of educating children No