(一)考试前的准备工作 (1)考籤的拟訂我校進行化学考試共有三班,人數最多的一班有52人,最少的一班有44人。考籤的准备工作是在教务副校長直接領導下,根据苏联專家葉尔沼夫同志關於苏联中等技術学校的課程考查与考試的報告文件,定出了考籤的總數是55張。然後在学科小組会上確定每張考籤上的問題數目有3个,則全部問題
(A) Preparatory work before the exam (1) Preparation of examinations My school chemistry exams a total of three classes, the largest group of 52 people in a class, the youngest class 44 people. Under the direct leadership of the Vice President of the Academic Affairs, the test preparation is based on the report papers of the Soviet expert Yeerbufu on the course examination and examination of the Soviet secondary technical school, and the total number of examinations is set at 55. Then at the subject group meeting to determine the number of questions on each test card has three, then all the questions