权力,在历史上曾是一个神秘而又令人生畏的字眼。剥消阶级为了维护其统治,巩固其政权,极力宣传“君权神授”,把权力神化,只许人民顷权力绝对服从,预礼膜拜,不许说长道短,使人们对权力得不到客观的认识。今天,在不少的领导干部中仍不同程度地存在着封建余毒,如官傣主义、贪污受贿、以权谋私等等。因此从理论和实践的结合上弄清楚权力与道德这个问题,对于正确行使人民赋予的权力,巩固无产阶级政权,加强廉政建设,端正党风,实现社会风气的根本好转都有其重大的现实意义。 一、干部权力与道德的关系 干部权力,是指干部的职务、职责范围内所拥有的一定的决策和控制能力,这种权力来源于法定的
Power has historically been a mystical and daunting phrase. In order to safeguard its dominance and consolidate its political power, the exterminating class strongly advocated the “divine sovereignty,” deified the power, and allowed only the people to exercise absolute obedience and worship. They should not allow gossip and make people have no objective understanding of power. Today, there are still quite a few remaining leading cadres in feudal drug poisoning, such as official Dai doctrines, corruption and bribery, abuse of power for their personal interests and so on. Therefore, to clarify the issue of power and morality on the combination of theory and practice has great practical significance for the correct exercise of the power entrusted by the people, the consolidation of the proletariat’s political power, the strengthening of a clean and honest administration, the rectification of the party style, and the fundamental improvement of social ethos . First, the relationship between cadres and the power of morality Cadre power refers to the cadre’s duties, within the scope of their responsibility to have a certain degree of decision-making and control, this power comes from the statutory