一、“预习提示”中的错字和注释中的病句。 1990年11月版高中语文第三册课文《别了,司徒雷登》的“预习提示”第一段第五行将“戳穿”写成了“戮穿”。“戳”,读chu(?),左“翟”右“戈”,这里意为“说(破)”、“揭”;“戮”,读l(?),左“翏”,右“戈”,意为杀。二者不容混用。该册第2页中注解①有这样一个句子:”其中充满了颠倒是非、隐瞒和捏造事实以及对中国人民的恶毒污蔑和深刻仇恨。”(句中着重号乃笔者所加,下同)“充满”不能与动词短语“颠倒是非”、“隐瞒和捏造事实”搭配。“充满”的义项有二:“①填满;布满;欢呼声充满了会场。②充分具有:雄壮的歌声里充满着热情和力量。”(见《现代汉语词典》)它只能与名词或名词短语搭配,不能与动词或动词
I. The typo in the “preview reminder” and the sentence in the annotation. In the November 1990 issue of the third edition of the Senior Chinese Language book, “Still, Stuart”, the fifth line of the first paragraph of the “Preparation Tips” was written to describe “punching” as “wearing in.” “Poke”, read chu(?), left “翟” and right “戈”, here means “说(破)”, “揭”; “戮”, read l(?), left “翏”, right “ Ge” means killing. The two should not be mixed. In Note 2 on page 2 of this volume, there is a sentence like this: “It is full of inverting right and wrong, concealing facts, fabricating facts, and hating and hatring the Chinese people.” (The emphasis is on the author, the same below) “Can’t be matched with verb phrases ”reversing right and wrong“ and ”concealing and fabricating facts." There are two meanings of “filling in”: “1 fills up; fullness; cheering fills the venue. 2 Fully: majestic singing is filled with enthusiasm and strength.” (see “Modern Chinese Dictionary”) It can only relate to nouns Or noun phrase collocation, not with verbs or verbs