The Cultural Identity of Translator and Its Effect on Translation: The case of Two English version o

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  【Abstract】This paper will focus on how the identity of translators affect the translation based on the analysis of the two translation versions of the Analects translated by James Legge and Ku Hungming respectively. The thesis will analyze the identity types the translators have, and then offers in-depth analyses and discussion of how the cultural identity affects translation strategy which can provide us with a special angle on the ways we see translation. Through analyzing, it can be easily found that cultural identity has a great impact on translator and translation which cannot be neglected.
  【Key words】Cultural identity; Legge; Ku Hung-ming; Analects; Translation strategy
  1.1 The Cultural Identity of James Legge and his Translation Strategy of Foreignization
  Religious identity is defined as a sense of belonging to a religious group, which can be an important dimension of many people’s identities. Lefevere believes that the ideological component constrains the choice of subject and form of its presentation. Legge was born in the town of missionary. After strict training and examination, he became the missionary of London Missionary Society. Legge studied and translated The Analects mainly for two reasons. Firstly, Confucianism was the orthodox thought of Chinese feudal dynasties. A better understanding of it was good for penetrating into Chinese upper class. Secondly, he believed that there were similarities between Confucianism and Christianism. He was faithful to the original text to a great degree, especially on the lexical, syntactic and semantic level. Adding a lot of annotations is another characteristic of his translation. Here is an example from the Analects: 君子有三畏:畏天命,畏大人,畏圣人。
  Legge: There are three things of which the superior man stands in awe. He stands in awe of the ordinances of heaven. He stands in awe of great men. He stands in awe of the words of sages. Kung: There are three things which a wise and good man holds in awe. He holds in awe the Laws of God, persons in authority, and the words of wisdom of holy man.
  In this translation, Legge did not alter the sentence order and use “he stands” as beginning in every sentence for repeating and parallelism to get close to the original structure. In Ku’s translation, he use some words, which can be easily understood by western people. So, Legge’s translation method can be ascribed to the foreignization.   PartⅡTHE CULTURAL IDENTITY AND TRANSLATION TRATEGY OF KU HUNG-MING AND HIS TRANSLATION STRATEGY OF DOMESTICATION
  In 1877, Ku Hung-Ming graduated from the university in Edinburgh. The experience of living and studying abroad exerts a great influence on his entire life. The good command of English and the great literary cultivation lay a solid foundation for his translation of the Analects. Ku’s purposes aimed to show the extensive and profound Chinese culture to the western. Affected by Romanticism, Ku formed his own cultural perspective, which includes two major aspects, one is to criticize he western material society, and the other is to promote vigorously the superiority of Chinese culture. The translation strategy of Ku is quite the opposite of Legge’s. Ku omits the original text of Analects and reduces the footnotes. So domestication is the mainly translation strategy. When it comes to some terminology, he almost left out all the names of people. As to the place names, he usually use “ a certain state ” or “ a foreign state” to avoid the elements influencing the target readers. In a sense, Ku use a modern western concept to explain an ancient Chinese term.
  In conclusion, through the analysis of the background of translators as well as the translations of Analects, it is easy to find that translator and its translation are influenced by cultural identity inevitably. As to Ku, he chose the translation strategy of domestication to make the target readers have a better understanding of Chinese culture. Different cultural identity has an impact on translations with different translation strategies. Therefore, when analyze a translation, It is necessary to attach a great importance to cultural identity of translator.
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【摘要】二语写作教学的研究已经进行多年;就二语写作研究的现状来看,对二语写作学习者的研究较少,在教学环境下对学习者学习策略的培养更少。本文结合二语写作教学特点,探讨了基于需求分析理论下的二语写作学习策略培养的必要性,并提出了与之相关的策略培训内容以及由此而引发的思考。  【关键词】需求分析 二语写作 学习策略  一、引言  写作可以全面地体现语言水平,受到越来越多的重视;但对于大部分的中国大学生来
【摘要】英语课堂教学和其他学科教学相比,有着自己的特点,也有共同之处。英语课堂生动活泼,学生参与度很高,这给高校英语词汇教学提供了思路。本文在讲解三种词汇类游戏的基础上,分析了词汇游戏开展中需要注意的事项,最后本文又提出了词汇类游戏引入翻转课堂的想法。本文旨在为高校英语教师开展词汇教学时,提供新的思路和参考。  【关键词】词汇游戏 高校教学 应用  引言  在英语课堂教学过程中,除基本的语言知识的
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【摘要】“秀”出精彩已不再是课堂教学的新鲜事,与“包装”精美的公开课相比,追求原生态教学的“常态课”更显质朴与本真,“原生态”让我们的英语“返璞归真”,让我们的英语教学活动自然灵动。“原生态”课堂教学是师生生命的自由释放,是自由状态下的真实呈现。回归英语教学课堂原生态,优化了初中英语“常态课”教学,提升了初中英语课堂的时效性。  【关键词】原生态教学 生活化课堂 时效性课堂 教学成效  原生态英语
待优生进入中学时,外语已学了几年,在几次考试(包括小升初)中连遭失败,他们对外语已失去了信心,产生了“破罐子破摔”的想法。  我便主动接近他们,用积极的态度、真诚的微笑缩短我们之间的距离,对他们进行外语学习心理疏导,分析他们学外语的状况,找出成绩差的原因。  一、对症下药,开发非智力因素  教育心理学告诉我们,待优生同样具有进取心、自尊心,渴望进步。但他们由于各种因素造成了成绩差。作为教师对具体学
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【关键词】小学数学;生成;自主建构;《等式与方程》  【中图分类号】G623.5 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1005-6009(2021)18-0063-03  方程刻画的是现实世界中的等量关系,作为一种重要的数学思想方法,它对学生丰富解决问题的策略,突破算式思维方法中的某些局限性,提高解决问题的能力,发展数学素养有着非常重要的意义。课标指出,数学课程“要面向全体学生,适应学生个性发展的需要”
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【摘要】公示语,顾名思义,也就是在公共场合出现的文化语言。公示语被广泛用于各行各业,成为日常生活中必不可缺的一部分。本文介绍公示语的应用功能以及英译方法,旨在传递文化信息,丰富民族文化内涵,提升我国在世界范围内的形象。  【关键词】公示语 翻译 文化  一、引言  随着经济全球化进程的加速,我国国际化进程的加快,国际文化交流愈发频繁。公共场合的公示语,翻译得体与否极大影响着地方形象,体现一个城市的