实验目的:通过实验使学生亲眼看到青蛙的体色随环境不同而发生变化,进一步加深生物对环境适应性的了解。 材料用具:青蛙(大小,体色相似)两只;广口瓶两个。 实验步骤:将两只青蛙分别放入两个广口瓶中,用纱布包住瓶口,分别标为1号和2号。然后将1号瓶放在黑暗处(或用黑盒罩住),2号瓶置明亮处(不受阳光直射),三天后进行对比观察。
Experimental purpose: Through experiments, students can see that the frog’s body color changes with the environment, and further deepen the understanding of the organism’s adaptability to the environment. Material appliances: two frogs (similar in size and color); two jars. Experimental procedure: Place two frogs in two wide-mouth bottles and wrap them with gauze, labeled as Nos. 1 and 2, respectively. Bottle No. 1 was then placed in a dark place (or covered with a black box), bottle No. 2 was placed in a bright place (not exposed to direct sunlight), and contrast observation was performed three days later.