1988年选用了8份不同遗传基础的亚麻品种进行了不完全双列杂交,1989年分别种植了父母本及 F_1代,分析了一般配合力和特殊配合力。所研究的各性状的一般配合力和特殊配合力的方差均极显著,表明本试验中加性与非加性效应均具有重要作用。
In 1988, 8 different flax varieties with different genetic basis were used for incomplete diallel crosses. In 1989, parents and F1 generations were planted, and the general combining ability and the special combining ability were analyzed. The variance of the general combining ability and the special combining ability of each trait studied are very significant, which indicates that both additive and non-additive effects play an important role in this experiment.