Recently, a silver collar and six watts were unearthed in the depths of about 30 cm from the ground near the “Chengzi” village of the Song Dynasty in Ganyu county, Jiangsu province. (Figure 1; Figure 2). Each Wat the same shape, both ends of the arc-shaped beam waist, the front edge of the corner upturned, the central concave. Through length of about 15, the upper and lower ends are 8 to 9.5 cm, waist width 5 to 6, thickness 2 cm. The back of a slightly income, both ends of the relatively straight, dense honeycomb-shaped pores. Each wat silver collar from the Ming weight Wu pick two, complete the actual weight of 3 pieces of 2100 grams, 1 piece of 2000 grams. Pure white texture, silver warm and bright, color up to 95%. Silver collar positive see Ming