财经素养教育课程体系的建立,其任务和目标不仅仅是教会学生掌握财经知识,更重要的是使受教育者形成正确的财富观念和财经行为,为今后从事财经活动和度过美好人生奠定基础。财经素养(Financial Literacy),与阅读素养、数学素养和科学素养等一样,已逐渐成为现代社会公民需要具备的基本素养。2012年,由OECD组织的国际学生评估项目PISA新增一个财经素养测试的国际选项。按照PISA的定义,财经素养是指“一种关于财经概念和风险的知识和理解能力,以及运用这些知识和能力的技能、动机和信心,它可以帮助人们在日渐广泛的财经背
The establishment of financial literacy education curriculum system not only aims to teach students how to master financial and economic knowledge, but more importantly, educates to form the correct concept of wealth and financial behavior, which will lay the foundation for future financial activities and good life . Financial literacy, like reading literacy, math literacy and scientific literacy, has gradually become the basic literacy that modern social citizens need. In 2012, PISA, an international student assessment project organized by the OECD, added an international option for financial literacy testing. According to the definition of PISA, financial literacy refers to ”a knowledge and understanding of financial concepts and risks, as well as the skills, motivation and confidence to use such knowledge and capabilities that can help people find themselves in a broader financial and economic back