2002年水钢以发展作为第一要务,以“开拓新境界、开创新局面、增添新力量、注入新活力”为目标,以求实务实落实的作风,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,从根本上把握企业改革发展的本质,体现全体干部职工的愿望,推进水钢两个文明建设协调发展。全年实现工业总产值24.22亿元、销售收入33.9亿元,生产生铁157万吨、钢175万吨、材169万吨,实现利税4.557亿元,其中利润5100万元。随着企业经济效益的增长,干部职工得到了实惠,思富思进的愿望强烈,激发了水钢人的生产积极性和工作热情,全年人均收入同比增长7%以上。一、全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,促使干部职工始终保持与时俱进的精神状态,不断开拓理论工作的新境界。 2002年,面对上游资源矿涨价、煤紧张、电限量等诸多困难和压力,水钢干部职工以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,坚持用科学理论武装头脑,不断兴起了理论学习和理论指导实践的新高潮。特别是党的十六大胜利召开后,水钢干部职工分层次、多形式地举办各类学习班、讲座等,加强学
In 2002, with the development as the top priority, Shuigang aimed at “exploring new realms, opening up new prospects, adding new forces and infusing new vitality,” and in a pragmatic and practical manner, fully implemented the “three represents” Important thought, fundamentally grasp the essence of enterprise reform and development, embody the aspirations of all cadres and workers, and promote the coordinated development of the two civilizations. The industrial output value of the year was 2.422 billion yuan with a sales income of 3.39 billion yuan, 1.57 million tons of pig iron, 1.75 million tons of steel and 1.69 million tons of steel, with a profit and tax of 455.7 million yuan and a profit of 51 million yuan. With the economic growth of enterprises, cadres and workers got the benefits, and they made a strong desire to think ahead. They inspired the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of people in Shuigang production. Annual per capita income increased by more than 7% over the same period of last year. I. Fully implement the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ so that cadres and workers will always maintain the mental status of keeping pace with the times and constantly open up a new realm of theoretical work. In 2002, in the face of many difficulties and pressures such as the price hikes of upstream resource mines, the shortage of coal, and the electricity shortage, the staff and workers of Shui Gang cadres, guided by the important thinking of the “three represents,” insisted on arming their minds with scientific theories and constantly raised the theory Learning and theory guide the practice of a new upsurge. Especially after the victory of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the cadres and workers of Shuigang Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. organized various classes and lectures at various levels and in various forms to enhance their learning