外掺磨细粉煤灰C_(40)商品混凝土,较好地解决了高强泵送砼配制中低水灰比与大流动之间折矛盾和砼的可泵性与较高弹性模量的收缩徐变的性能要求之间的矛盾以及较高的水泥用量与硬化过程中产生较高水化热之间的矛盾,从而使商品混凝土技术水平达到国际水平。 在南浦大桥主塔工程中,成功地实现154米高塔柱泵送施工,坍落度为16cm的砼满足设计规定三天达28.5MPa的要求;塔柱8个月内封顶;泵送工艺较传统吊斗法施工,缩短工期三分之二;在主桥塔1.523万立方砼中利用
The admixture of finely ground fly ash C_(40) commercial concrete is a good solution to the contradiction between the low water-cement ratio and the large flow in high-strength pumped concrete, and to the collapse of pumpability and higher elastic modulus. The contradiction between the creeping performance requirements and the conflict between the higher cement consumption and the higher heat of hydration in the hardening process, thus making the commercial concrete technology level reach the international level. In the main tower project of the Nanpu Bridge, the successful construction of a 154-meter-tall tower has been completed. The radon with a slump of 16 cm meets the design requirement of 28.5 MPa for three days; the cap is capped within 8 months; the pumping process The traditional bucket construction reduces the construction period by two-thirds; it is used in the main bridge tower with 1.523 million cubic feet.