The authors report 40 cases of recurrent glioma with intra-arterial cisplatin chemotherapy experience.Of 5 cases because no CT for the first time after treatment, so only 35 cases can be evaluated.Male 20, 15 women, aged 25 to 69 years (Average 40.3 years old), 20 cases (57%) were glioblastoma multiforme, 14 (40%) astrocytomas, and 1 (3%) astrocytomas, , And many also made systemic chemotherapy.And before intra-arterial cisplatin chemotherapy were made a series of basic examination.Especially with CT (plain scan and enhanced) to clear the tumor site, vascular supply (from the ipsilateral carotid artery.) Chemotherapy The curative effect was assessed on a monthly basis, including the two maximal vertical diameters of the tumor measured on the CT images and compared with those before chemotherapy. Each hematological examination was performed before the cisplatin input. When the hematocrit