In the 1960s and the 1970s, the world experienced the first lunar exploration boom. In July 1969, the United States “Apollo 11” launched a lunar landing on mankind and achieved the most brilliant results in lunar exploration. In 1994, when the Clementine probe of the United States launched its spacecraft for the first time, it was the first time that evidence of possible water existed on the moon. The human being once again turned its attention to the planet that has been billowing billions of years with the Earth. The world started its second round of lunar exploration boom with Japan, Europe, China and India becoming members of the lunar exploration club. On the early morning of December 2, 2013, Chang’e III, which shoulders the task of “going to the moon,” was launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in China and achieved its detector landing on December 14, 2013, before completing the most important science in Chang’e III Mission: View day, see, measure the moon. “Moon Exploration ” will have any impact on people’s lives, whether it can change our basic necessities of life?