新课程改革后,实验区的中考压轴题一改旧的模式,试题立意新、开放性强,多角度地考查学生的综合素质,拓展学生的思维潜能。坐标几何题、函数与图形变换题备受各地中考命题者的青睐,通过回想与已知条件,图形相关知识挖掘出所有可能得到的结论,充分体现了注重双基,重视实践,突出创新,探索开放等新课程的特点,考查学生观察、分析、猜想、推理和探索等多方面的综合能力。研究和分析 2005年中考压轴题,对我们复习迎考会起到良好的导向作用。
After the reform of the new curriculum, the middle school exam in the experimental area was changed to the old model. The examination questions were new and open, and the students’ comprehensive qualities were examined from multiple angles to expand their thinking potential. The problems of coordinate geometry, function and graph transformation are highly favored by the proposition examiners all over the country. Drawing back all the possible conclusions by knowing the relevant conditions and graph-related knowledge fully reflects the emphasis on double-basis, emphasis on practice, outstanding innovation, and exploration. The characteristics of the new courses, such as opening up, examine students’ comprehensive ability in many aspects such as observation, analysis, conjecture, reasoning and exploration. Research and analysis of the final exam in 2005 will provide a good guide for us to review the exam.