要提高数学课堂教学效率,教师应做到以下几点. 一、备课:认真学习新课标,钻研新教材备好教材是授课的前提之一.新课程对我们提出的要求是:正确认识教材,创造性地使用教材.只有对教材熟练,才能真正明确每节课在教材中的地位,重点怎样突出,用什么方法巩固;难点难在何处,如何把难点分散,化难为易.同时还要制定出课程要达到的目的与要求.备好学生是授课的前提之二.学生是学习的主体,课堂教学应凸显以学生主动参与、主动探究、主动合作等新型的学习方式.
To improve the efficiency of mathematics classroom teaching, teachers should do the following: First, prepare lessons: Conscientiously learn new curriculum standards, study new materials, prepare materials is one of the premise of teaching. The requirements of the new curriculum for us are: Correct understanding of teaching materials, creative use of teaching materials. Only by mastering the teaching materials can we truly define the status of each lesson in the teaching materials, highlight the key points, and consolidate what methods; difficulties are hard to find where to go, and how difficult it is to diversify difficult and difficult. At the same time, we must work out the objectives and requirements of the curriculum. Preparing students is the prerequisite for teaching. Students are the main body of learning. In classroom teaching, new learning methods such as students’ active participation, active inquiry and active cooperation should be highlighted.