After the Japanese first and second failed battles in Changsha, in order to reach the goal of first lifting the threat of another attack on Changsha, the 3rd and 34th Divisions in March 1941 and the other mixed brigade with more than 100 aircraft , More than 40 tanks, a total of more than 40,000 people, divided into three on my way to the high center of northern Jiangxi Province. My 19th Army Corps and General Luo Zhuoying, the commander in chief of the Fuhe area in the north of Jiangxi Province, tried to break through the enemy’s attempts to destroy the main force in north Jiangxi and attack the conspiracy in Changsha again. Decided to take the two wings to contain, lure the enemy deep into the upper high area to be annihilated the operational guidelines. March 1941, the enemy first launched to me Jingan, Fengxin, high