小麦夜蛾Euxoa tritici Linnaeus是我区新发现的一种地下害虫。除蒙古、苏联、西伯利亚、巴基斯坦、印度、锡金等国外有分布外。(我国目前尚无报道)。小麦夜蛾主要发生在我区林芝、米林、朗县、加查等县。危害冬小麦、青稞、油菜、豌豆、大白菜、萝卜、马铃薯等作物及各种杂草。据田间调查,每平方米内有幼虫7~28头,平均在17.5头;麦苗被害率45%左右,严重的可达95%以上,甚至毁种。为探讨该虫的发生规律及有效防治措施。我们于一九七六年至一九七八年在林芝县尼池公社,以室内
Euxoa tritici Linnaeus is a newly discovered underground pest in our region. In addition to Mongolia, the Soviet Union, Siberia, Pakistan, India, Sikkim and other foreign distribution. (Our country has not reported yet). Wheat spider moth occurs in our district Nyingchi, Milin, Langxian, Gacha and other counties. Endangered winter wheat, barley, rape, peas, cabbage, radish, potatoes and other crops and various weeds. According to field surveys, there are 7-28 larvae per square meter, with an average of 17.5. The rate of wheat seedlings being damaged is about 45%, and the seriousness can reach 95% or even breeds. In order to explore the occurrence of the pest and effective control measures. We were indoors at Nitshiba commune, Nyingchi Prefecture, from 1976 to 1978