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从宏观的视角来看,对战后世界史学产生重大影响的有两种史学力量,一是现当代的西方资产阶级新史学,另一是现时代的马克思主义史学,两股力量的冲突与交汇及其所激起的回响,是当代国际史学颇为令人瞩目的一种文化景观。需要说明的一点是,本文所说的马克思主义史学的发展,大体指的是西方各主要国家(以英法为主)马克思主义史学的进展,苏东剧变前的苏联和东欧各国的马克思主义史学的成败得失需要我们重新进行总结与思考,但这需要时间,故本文未予论列。 一 19世纪40年代,马克思和恩格斯创立了唯物史观,自此经典的马克思主义史学亦同步产生。马克思主义史学自问世以来,对西方资产阶级史学形成了一种巨大的挑战,对它的发展也带来了很深刻的影响。如果用概括的语言点明这两者关系的话,那就是从对抗走向对话。 从对抗走向对话这一发展趋势至战后尤甚。在20世纪上半叶,马克思主义史学的影响还很弱小,直到1913年,英国历史学家古奇在初版本的史学史名著《十九世纪的历史学与历史学家》一书中,甚至连马克思的名字都还没有提到。二战后,情况发生了变化,伊格尔斯在他所著的《欧洲史学新方向》一书中,把当今正在经历着巨大变化的世界史学归纳为法则论的、阐释学的和辩证唯物论(马克思主义)的三个方面,他主编的《历史 From a macroscopic point of view, there are two historical forces that exert a significant influence on the world historiography after the war. One is the modern Western bourgeois neo-historiography, the other is the modern Marxist historiography, the conflict and intersection of the two forces, and The aroused echo is a rather remarkable cultural landscape of contemporary international history. What needs to be explained is that the development of Marxist historiography mentioned in this article generally refers to the progress of Marxist historiography in the major Western countries (mainly English and French), the Marxist historians of the Soviet Union and eastern European countries before the drastic changes in the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union Success or failure requires us to re-summarize and think, but it takes time, so this article is not listed. In the 1840s, Marx and Engels founded the historical materialism, and since then classical Marxist historians have also emerged simultaneously. Since the advent of Marxist historiography, it has posed a huge challenge to the western bourgeois historiography and brought a profound impact on its development. If the relationship between the two is stated in a generalized language, that is, from confrontation to dialogue. The trend of development from confrontation to dialogue is especially true after the war. In the first half of the 20th century, the influence of Marxist historiography was still weak. Until 1913, the British historian Gucci, in his first edition of the historiography of history and the historian of the nineteenth century, even Marx’s name is not mentioned yet. After World War II, the situation changed. In his book The New Direction of European Historiography, Iggers summed up the history of the world which is undergoing tremendous changes today as rule of law, hermeneutics and dialectical materialism Marxism), he edited "History
商誉,即商业信誉或声誉,它可能来自企业悠久的历史、优越的地理位置、响亮的店名字号,以及科学的经营方式、信得过的产品质量等方面。它由企业自身素质、经营管理水平、 Go
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列文森 (JosephR .Levenson) ( 1) ,哈佛大学博士 ,曾任加州大学伯克利分校“Sather”讲座教授 ,美国 2 0世纪五、六十年代中国学研究领域最主要的学术代表之一 ,美国中国近代思想史研究领域的开拓