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德国幽默大师埃里希·施密特(Erich Schmitt)1924年3月11日出生于德国柏林。二次大战以后开始发表漫画作品,并以报刊漫画家的身分为《柏林日报》画画。施密特的漫画幽默风趣,别具一格,赢得了世界声誉。《施密特漫画全集》(连环漫画部分)是本社《世界幽默大师丛书》中的一本,16开,304面,内收六部系列连环漫画,四部中篇连环漫画和一部长篇连环漫画。这本画册容量大,内容丰富,知识性、趣味性强,是国内第一本施密特连环漫画作品全集。 German humorist Erich Schmitt was born on March 11, 1924 in Berlin, Germany. After World War II began to publish comics, and as a newspaper and cartoonist’s identity for the “Berlin daily” painting. Schmidt comic humorous, unique, won the world reputation. The Complete Works of the Schmidt Comics (comic strip) is one of the “World Series of Humorous Books” of the Society, with 16 open, 304 nouveau résumé, including six series of comic strips, four medium-length comic strips and a long comic strip. This book is large in volume, rich in content, informative and interesting. It is the first complete collection of comic works by Schmidt in China.
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