How to Develop Reading Strategies in Extensive Reading

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AKDelphi
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  【Abstract】Extensive reading demands readers to read in quantity for general, overall meaning, and for information. Learners are supposed to know how to choose appropriate reading tactics in accordance with different reading purposes. This paper mainly proposes some effective strategies to develop learners’ reading skills and competency.
  【Key words】extensive reading; reading strategies
  I. Introduction
  A major goal for Extensive reading instruction is the development of strategic readers. Strategic readers understand the goals of a reading activity and have a wide range of well-practiced reading tactics.
  The essence of extensive reading is to read as much as possible and reading speed is usually faster. We need to acquire some common reading tactics to improve their reading speed and understanding.The approaches to improve reading strategies will be analyzed from the following two aspects: forming reading skills, improving reading speed.
  II. Forming Reading Skills
  Extensive reading is different from other readings; it may concern a variety of skills, such as reading speed, overcoming new words within the limited time. The extensive reading teaching purposes are specialized in skimming, scanning, reading for detailed comprehension, etc.
  Skimming is the most important and frequently used strategy in extensive reading, which refers to reading quickly through the text to get a general idea of what it is about. It doesn’t focus on the specific words or phrases, but on the meaning of the whole text, the general idea and the viewpoint of the writer. Readers can get the information and knowledge they need and the writer’s thoughts through skimming. When skimming, readers should read only for information and clues which provide an idea of the central theme or topic of a piece of writing. Sometimes they just look quickly through the abstract, materials. Readers should not stop to look up the new words they come across and just guess the meaning from the context.
  By scanning we mean glancing rapidly through a text either to search for a specific piece of information (e.g. a name, a date). This skill means that they do not have to read every word and line; on the contrary, such an approach would stop them scanning successfully.
  Whether readers scan or skim depends on what kind of text they are reading and what they want to get out of it. They may scan a computer manual to find the one piece of information they need to use their machine, and they may skim a newspaper article to get a general idea of what’s been happening.   Reading for detailed comprehension must be seen as something very different from the reading skills mentioned above. When looking for details, we expect students to concentrate on what they are reading.
  III. Improving Reading Speed
  Like any other kind of language learning, the improvement of English level depends on a great deal of information input. So we need to read as much as possible to enhance language acquisition. Fast reading is a positive and effective method in the extensive reading process. Research has shown a close relation between speed and understanding. An increase in reading rate has also been paralleled by an increase in comprehension. Then what should we do to increase reading speed? There are several strategies.
  (i) The increase of eye span
  We should learn to work in thought units. Thought units help students move faster. Readers should increase the number of words they see and they are going to group them according to context. One thing that help us increase reading speed is to use a fingertip or pen as a pointer to quickly and directly to the next line.
  (ii) Restraining translating by heart
  One way to restrain reading by heart is setting a limited time so that there is no time to translate by heart. Readers may choose some easy and interesting material for them to read as quickly as possible, and check how much time they use. Besides, Silent reading was encouraged in extensive reading.
  (iii) Skipping over new words
  It is wise to just treat new words as a mark without searching the accurate meaning, for they don’t affect much on gaining main information.
  (iv) Guessing the meaning of new words from context
  There are some approaches to help readers to guess the meaning of new words while reading, such as by text hints, by noun appositive, by comparing the meaning of words, and by logic inference. We can use titles, the table of contents and the cover of a book to get an idea of what is about.
  IV. Conclusion
  Extensive reading is different in many ways from traditional reading practice, A major goal for reading instruction is the development of strategic readers. Strategic readers understand the goals of a reading activity and have a wide range of well-practiced reading tactics. The correct reading skills can improve reading and understanding abilities. We acquire the language abilities through everyday practicing.
【摘要】随着我国改革开放的力度加大和加入世界贸易组织,我国各方面的国际交往日益增多,五年一贯制高职专业英语的教学越显其突出作用。在当前职业技术教育中,如何培养出能够适应市场经济下对英语熟练应用,并且具有一定专业技术技能、新的复合型当代技术人才是当前职业教育的办学方向。将“问题导学”应用在五年一贯制高职专业英语教学中,能有效提高学生英语和专业的素养。  【关键词】五年一贯制 专业英语 “问题导学”
英语阅读理解能力在英语教学中变得越来越重要。从近几年中考试题中可以看出,阅读题的比例达到25%,这就要求我们在平时的教学过程中要特别留意培养学生的阅读能力。  阅读能力的培养和提高不是一朝一夕能够达到的。需要经过长期的努力,一步步提高。在这个过程中,课内精读和课外泛读都很重要。只强调精读课本,不进行课外泛读,就无法扩大知识面,无法提高阅读速度,就只能是逐词逐句爬行式的阅读;而不重视精读课本,一味强
在英语教学中,越来越多的教师采用情景教学法。因为情景教学法能使学生身临其境或如临其境,给学生展示鲜明具体的形象,使学生从形象的感知达到抽象的理性思维和顿悟,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,使学习活动成为学生自觉活动。下面笔者就谈谈本人在教学过程中如何采用情景教学法:  一、实物演示,创造实景  在初中英语教学中,由于学习英语的资历尚浅,词汇量有限,如只用贫乏的讲解,学生记不住、分不清,枯燥无味,效果不佳,
一、引言  英文写作是高职院校英语专业开设的一门非常重要的专业课,一直倍受关注。相对于英语专业本科学生,高职院校录取的学生基础相对薄弱,在他们语言学习过程中写作往往被视为巨大障碍。学生的思路不清晰,不知道从何入手,怎么写; 语法基础差,用词造句错误连篇;知识储备不足,写作过程中感觉无话可说。这些问题几乎在所有高职院校的英文写作教学中普遍存在。教学效果不好,学生学习兴趣不高,成为英文写作课程亟待解决
【摘要】小学英语语篇教学是在高年级阶段开始的,而语篇的教学属于小学英语的重点。因此,教师应加强对英语语篇的教学,精心设计相关英语问题,适应学生思维发展,开展语篇教学。在教学中,教师可就语篇标题提出有效问题,引导学生学习和参与阅读。本文即对此英语语篇教学中的有效问题进行分析,探讨一些语篇应用方面的问题。  【关键词】小学英语 语篇教学 有效问题 探究  在语篇教学中,教师主要侧重于语篇阅读前和阅读后
【摘要】作为语言的组成细胞,词汇是学好英语的第一步,因此,我们在英语教学中一定要抓住学生的实际认知规律,联系语言知识的特点进行有针对性的设计,从而让学生以科学的方式和方法掌握词汇,进而为深层次的语言学习奠定坚实的基础。  【关键词】初中英语 词汇识记 语境 关联  词汇是语言的组成细胞,词汇掌握不好就好比盖楼没有打好基础,势必成为豆腐渣工程。尤其英语作为一门外来语,缺乏根本的语言环境,同学们不容易