Shanggao County is a rice borer dominated by three borers, perennial one or two generations of early rice damage, three or four generations of late rice heavier. In 1965 in the battle against the first generation of early rice borer, because of pesticides can not meet the needs, then adopted a solution to the problem. The practice is: in the borer eggs after 5 to 7 days of incubation, that larvae in the first and second stage, the victim seedling leaves withered dead green death, the use of soil pick (6% WP 666 mixed Half wet and dry fine soil 25). The dosage depends on the field of insect population density and the number of seedlings may be, where the egg mass per acre in 50 or so, the heart rate of about 1%, with soil 1.52 pounds, or 666 powder 6-8 money; eggs larger than