The outlook for India’s second five-year economic plan, from April 1956 to March 1961, as far as its performance is concerned, is very bad. According to an official report released on July 4 by the Government of India Planning Commission, the original targets for important projects such as copper, coal, grain, cotton and employment will not be fulfilled, of which the food issue is a serious problem. Due to the implementation of the Indian government, the internal sacrifice of the interests of the people, blindly submitting to the big bourgeoisie and the feudal forces, and externally relying on imperialist “aid” policies, therefore, the result of the plan is implemented in addition to some industrial enterprises that can make huge profits to capitalists Apart from development, agricultural production, especially food production, still lags far behind the minimum needs of people’s lives. During the implementation of the second five-year plan, the people of India got only a serious shortage of food, the wholesale prices rose by more than 20%, their lives were more difficult and the number of unemployed workers was constantly expanding. Agriculture is a fundamental issue for India’s economic development. For the sake of developing agricultural production, the Indian government does not rely on the strength of the people and does not dare start with a complete land reform. Instead, it is obsessed with seeking “foreign aid.” Relying on “foreign aid” and especially relying on American imperialism can solve the difficulties of India? This issue of the “New Century” in India’s “New Century” magazine published a “U.S.-Indian grain loan agreement that is only good for the United States,” a document that “ In addition, two articles, ”The Food Crisis in India“ and ”The Practical Problems Faced in the Third Five-Year Plan," are mainly selected to reflect the most important current status of Indian officials and their American counselors in India Advice on economic issues. From these two articles, readers can know the outline of the current economic problems facing India.