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2004年很快就要过去了,“情感长廊”伴随着读者们走过了又一个年轮。一年来,我们跑了许多地方,采访了许多教师的人生故事。当我们走在风雨路上,当我们直面教师们的喜怒哀乐,当我们倾听如歌的往事……总忍不住泪水长流,唏嘘不已。可以这样说,每一次采访我们都是在泪水中结束的。教师是一个平凡的群体,在“为人师表”“师道尊严”的光环下,他们的情感、生活乃至生存状况常常被漠视。然而,当我们走近他们,他们中的许多经历过或者正在经历着的不平凡的故事,深深感动了我们。一年来,感谢热心作者、读者对“情感长廊”的大力支持,但是,由于版面的限制,许多稿件不能及时编发,没有满足读者们的愿望。在这年轮的尽头,我们选择一部分优秀稿件,摘取其中的感人细节,统一编辑刊发,让我们作一次痛快的心灵回眸吧。明年的“情感长廊”栏目将改为“教师人生”,栏目的宗旨依然是立足教育事业,倾注人文关怀,直面教师生存,发掘感人故事。我们依然期待着读者们、作者们的大力支持。 The year 2004 will soon be over, and the “emotional promenade” will follow the readers through another growth ring. In the past year, we ran many places and interviewed many teachers’ life stories. When we walk in the wind and rain, when we face the emotions of teachers, when we listen to the song of the past ... ... can not help but tears, sigh. It can be said that in every interview we are in tears. Teachers are an ordinary group. Their emotions, living conditions and even their living condition are often ignored under the aura of “being a teacher and a dignified teacher”. However, when we approached them, many of them experienced or were experiencing extraordinary stories that deeply touched us. In the past year, we sincerely thank enthusiastic authors and readers for their support of “Sentimental Promenade.” However, due to layout restrictions, many manuscripts can not be compiled in a timely manner, failing to meet the readers’ wishes. At the end of this year’s round, we select some outstanding manuscripts, extract touching details from them, and publish them in a unified manner. Let us make a happy soul review. Next year’s “emotional promenade” section will be changed to “teacher life”, part of the objective is still based on education, pouring humanistic care, facing the teacher’s survival, digging touching stories. We still look forward to the great support of readers and authors.
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