麦克唐纳的F-101是美国空军二十世纪50、60年代装备的最可靠、通用性最强的飞机之一,曾作为战斗机、护航战斗机、远程截击机、低空近距支援战机、照相侦察机、战术核攻击机等机型使用。还有最著名的于1957年12月12日,以1,207英里(1,942公里)的时速从英国人手中赢回了绝对飞行速度的世界纪录,极大鼓舞了当时的美国航空界。 F-101“巫毒”项目的开始并不引人注目甚至差一点根本没能投产,
The McDonnell Douglas F-101 is one of the most reliable and versatile aircraft the United States Air Force fielded in the 1950s and 1960s. As a fighter, escort fighter, long-range interceptor, close-range fighter aircraft and photographic reconnaissance Aircraft, tactical nuclear attack aircraft and other models to use. And on December 12, 1957, the most famous world record of absolute flying speed was won back from the British at 1,207 miles (1,942 kilometers) a day, greatly inspiring the American aviation community at the time. F-101 “voodoo” start of the project did not attract attention or almost did not start production,