
来源 :福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianghladros
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蔡秀玲,女,1962年12月生,福建省福州市人。1980年进入厦门大学经济系学习,1984年毕业分配至福建师范大学政教系任教。1989年获硕士学位,2001年获博士学位。1997年晋升为副教授,2003年晋升为教授。现任福建师范大学经济学院教授、博士生导师,经济系主任。兼任中华外国经济学说研究会理事、全国高师《资本论》研究会理事、中国发展研究会理事、中国马克思主义经济学说史研究会理事、福建省经济学会副秘书长、福建省台湾研究会理事、福建省税务学会理事 Cai Xiuling, female, born in December 1962 in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. In 1980, he entered the Economics Department of Xiamen University, and graduated in 1984 to teach in the Department of Politics and Religion of Fujian Normal University. Master’s degree in 1989, Ph.D. He was promoted to associate professor in 1997 and promoted to professor in 2003. Incumbent Fujian Normal University professor of economics, doctoral tutor, director of the Department of economics. He is also the director of the seminar on the theory of foreign economics in China, the director of the “Capital Theory” Research Association of the National Higher Normal University, the director of the China Development Research Association, the director of the China Marxist Economic Theory History Research Association, the deputy secretary general of the Fujian Provincial Economic Society, the director of the Taiwan Research Association of Fujian Province, Fujian Provincial Tax Association
1874~1944,生于德国,后在加拿大、美国,对欧美的高等真菌均有深入的研究,尤其对鬼伞属Coprinus的孢子形成和散 1874 ~ 1944, was born in Germany, later in Canada, the Un
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摘要 当下革命历史题材影视创作出现了“绿肥红瘦”现象,具体表现为突出传奇淡化传统、重视还原历史忽略诠释革命、爱国旋律响于爱党旋律,这种现象既有其合理之处,又留下了一些缺憾:它在为观众打开了一扇新的历史之窗的同时,又使他们背对另一扇历史窗口。  關键词:革命 历史 影视创作 现象  中图分类号:J905 文献标识码:A    那些取材于革命历史、革命战争,至今仍然以“革命”为关键词之一的电视剧作,其