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江泽民同志在党的十四大报告中强调,要“发挥思想政治工作的优势,激发广大群众投身社会主义建设的积极性”。这是我们建设有中国特色社会主义的一大法宝。但是,在实际工作中并不是所有党组织和领导干部都重视这个问题。这种情况应当引起我们的高度重视。思想政治工作是我们建设有中国特色社会主义的重要组成部分。有中国特色社会主义,是物质文明、精神文明的全面进步和发展。精神文明建设离不开物质文明建设,而物质文明建设又要靠精神文明建设提供强大的精神动力和思想政治保证。坚强有力的思想政治工作, Comrade Jiang Zemin emphasized in his report to the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China that “we should give full play to the advantages of ideological and political work and arouse the enthusiasm of the broad masses to join the socialist construction.” This is a great magic weapon for building socialism with Chinese characteristics. However, in practical work, not all party organizations and leading cadres attach importance to this issue. This situation deserves our great attention. Ideological and political work is an important part of our building of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is the all-round progress and development of material civilization and spiritual civilization. The construction of spiritual civilization can not be separated from the building of material civilization, and the building of material civilization depends on the spiritual civilization and spiritual motivation and ideological and political guarantee. Strong and strong ideological and political work,
每次回姥姥家,生性调皮的我和表弟(小我一岁)这个混小子总是能玩出点新花样来。姥姥家在一马平川的平度,没山也没森林,河倒是有,就是没水。 Every time I return to my gran
《论语》:“有德者必有言。”言语被视为道德修养的自然流露,它作为一种表达,总是与内在秉赋相一致。汉代杨雄在《法言·问神篇》中有著名论断:“言,心声也;书,心画也。 ”T
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