
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fdsa5218
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职业教育集团历经20多年的发展,推动了职业教育内涵式发展,总体形势向好。但由于外部环境还不够成熟、内生动力还未完全激发、成员间共识还未真正达成等一些现实问题的存在,使得职教集团发展出现了困境,制约着职业教育集团更好发展。建议认清校企双方需求,找准利益结合点;转变合作理念,增强服务能力;创新联合模式,搭建动态平台;政府积极协调,优化外部环境;建立混合所有制职业院校,探索集团化办学新模式。 Vocational education group after 20 years of development, promote the connotative development of vocational education, the overall situation is better. However, due to the external environment is not yet mature enough, endogenous motivation has not fully stimulated, members of the consensus has not really reached the reality of some real problems, making the development of Vocational Education Group appeared in a dilemma, restricting the development of vocational education groups better. It is suggested that we recognize the needs of both schools and enterprises and identify the points of interest; change the concept of cooperation and enhance service capabilities; innovate the joint model and build a dynamic platform; government actively coordinate and optimize the external environment; establish a mixed ownership vocational colleges and explore new mode.
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