Weird customs from across the world 世界各地的奇特风俗

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   In a world with so many countries, religions, tribes and customs, it is impossible for everyone to like everything. While we have come a long way since civilization began, some communities are stuck with age-old traditions.
   Famadihana(法马迪哈纳)——Dance with the dead
   A funeral tradition followed by the Malagasy tribe in Madagascar, people dance with dead bodies as part of the Famadihana custom. After bringing bodies of ancestors from their burial place, they re-wrap them in fresh cloth and dance around the tomb to live music. The ritual is followed once in seven years, but has been in the decline of late.
   Egypt——Don’t ask for salt when at a host’s place
   Egyptians get offended easily if you ask for salt. So, if you are invited over for dinner and want to add more salt to your dish, dare not touch the saltshaker because Egyptians feel it is equivalent to insulting the host.
   Venezuela(委内瑞拉)——Don’t show up on time
   Venezuelans are just like Indians! Reaching on time is considered rude in Venezuela and it is recommended to reach at least 15 minutes later than the scheduled time. Guests who reach on time are looked down upon as being too eager and greedy. Well, Venezuelans should take some cue from Indians!
   India——Throw the baby for good luck
   This custom is mostly followed in Karnataka(卡納塔卡) where newborn babies are thrown off the 50-feet high above Sri Santeswar temple. The babies are obviously caught by the family in a cloth. Couples who are blessed with a baby after take a vow at the temple follow this 500-year-old tradition,which is believed to bring good luck to the babies.
   Turkey—— Watch camel wrestling
   You would have heard of bull fighting, but camel fighting? Not so much. People in Turkey look forward to the event where two male camels fight it out with each other. This event is organised during mating season and the camels have a natural instinct to fight off the other male.
   Scotland——Just blacken the bride
   Having some fun before the wedding is great, but this prewedding custom in Scotland doesn’t seem to have a lot of fun for the bride. The custom involves throwing eggs, spoilt milk and, basically, all things disgusting at her. The ’blackened bride’ is then taken around the town. The custom is a metaphor(隱喻) for the tough life that the bride might have to go through after the wedding. The tradition prepares her for the new chapter as after going through this, all marital(婚姻的) problems will look tiny!   Reading check
  1. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word“ritual”?
   A. Manner.
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这是一群奇怪的娃娃,他们质地柔软,容貌俏皮,要么是张着心电图一样的嘴巴囧囧地望着你,要么鼓着半张脸大小的眼睛斜斜地瞪着你。这是一群叫布三布四的娃娃,他们由一双双袜子变身而成,设计师陈立说:“我心中的娃娃不仅是kitty式的粉粉嫩嫩,还应该鬼怪一点,嘻哈一点,这样才更有趣!”     奔向欧洲的娃娃    2008年8月12日,瑞典斯德哥尔摩的天空一片湛蓝。这是一个属于艺术的节日,瑞典文化节和时装节
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这一年,平原太守颜真卿50岁了。  50岁是个人生的重要年头,要是做寿就该称为“大寿”,但凡家里有点条件的都难以免俗,且颜真卿也是个不小的官员,还以书法闻名于世,没点动静似乎说不过去。但颜真卿生性淡泊,素不喜欢做寿,加上做官清廉,也没那么多闲钱来折腾。  可是夫人孩子执意要给他做寿,实在拗不过老伴,颜真卿只好发话说:国难当头,一切从简,寿辰之日,一碗长寿面而已,其他下人磕头即可,不得再生枝节,徒费
布宜诺斯艾利斯,世界上第一座被联合国全球创意城市联盟命名为“设计之都”的城市。在这里,世界设计界的一股年轻的力量初出茅庐。很有理想,他们用原创的、充满锐气和先锋色彩的设计语言表达着布宜诺斯艾利斯的灵感和激情。  每一座城市都有自己的语言。  对于世界游客来说,在南美大陆中,阿根廷的首都——布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)最为人所熟悉的语言则是:激情火辣的探戈、疯狂沸腾的足球、眼花缭乱的建